
Showing posts from January, 2017


Doesn't time go by fast when you're enjoying yourself? Seems I blinked and another eleven days have rolled by since my previous post. So what have I been up to? Not a lot really. The final draft of Truthseeker has come under the spotlight again and I've set myself the task of reviewing one chapter each day starting on the 1st February. I'll post a piece about any issues I found after the 24th. The first draft of Secret of Heathcote Manor was due for completion at the end of last year, but I fell well short of achieving my target. Hopefully I'll get it done during 2017. The audience for this blog continues to rise with readers spread across 40 countries. I wish I could say the same about views of my material on Wattpad which haven't shown any improvement at all. Visibility seems to be the issue with only the most recently posted content standing any chance of getting noticed.


It's been a while since I posted anything so I thought it might be a good idea to write a few lines. Truthseeker is almost ready to go to print, but I still harbour a few niggling doubts about it. What I really need are a few Beta readers to offer their opinions. No recent views of my book trailer which can be found as the pinned tweet on my twitter page @DavidWeller06. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I tried posting  the first couple of chapters on Wattpad as a series of short daily extracts. Despite getting 133 views I wasn't that impressed with the exposure it was getting and stopped posting after 13 days. Low and behold  so did the views. You can find my material by searching for either TRUTHSEEKER or davidweller06 on the Wattpad search engine. If I see the view counter start to climb I'll post some more material.


I started this blog on 22 October 2014 to chart the progress of a novel from first draft through to publication. In the beginning my focus was firmly on the editorial process and highlighted things I'd learned along the way. More recently it has been about showcasing my work in the hope of eliciting some useful feedback. Sadly, I failed in this particular endeavour and so I have withdrawn the content. I'm able to see from my dashboard that each and every new post is read by a small number of readers living in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Portugal and Russia. I don't know who any of you are, but I'm grateful for your continued support. As 2017 gets under way I'm at a loss as to what to focus my attention on now, but I'm sure I will come up with something.